A Sikh policeman hurdles a night soil cart. The modern world's hell on haiku writers: "Electrical generator" is, what, eight syllables? You couldn't even fit that onto the second line! "Are we allowed to run over people?" Private Wiley inquires, and then mashes the horn button before Bobby Shaftoe can answer. Could Wiley be losing his nerve? And, in the back, under the tarps, a ton and a half of file cabinets clanking, code books slaloming, fuel spanking the tanks of Station Alpha's electrical generator.

Bobby can still hear the coolies singing, though, and now too there's the gunlike snicking of the truck's clutch linkage as Private Wiley downshifts. Is "tires" one syllable or two? How about "wail?" The truck finally makes up its mind not to tip over, and thuds back onto four wheels. A bamboo grove, all chopped down From it, warring songs.is the best that Corporal Bobby Shaftoe can do on short notice-he's standing on the running board, gripping his Springfield with one hand and the rearview mirror with the other, so counting the syllables on his fingers is out of the question. It's funny America didn't understand him." -The New York Times, Monday, 4 March, 1996 "After the Bretton Woods agreement he started buying gold from Fort Knox. "It so coincided that Marcos had money," she said. The correspondence is very close, but the subject matter of cryptography is very easily dealt with by discrete machinery, physics not so easily." -Alan Turing This morning offered the latest in a series of explanations of the billions of dollars that she and her husband, who died in 1989, are believed to have stolen during his presidency.

The system on which a message is enciphered corresponds to the laws of the universe, the intercepted messages to the evidence available, the keys for a day or a message to important constants which have to be determined. Neal Stephenson - Cryptonomicon "There is a remarkably close parallel between the problems of the physicist and those of the cryptographer.