Government of Israel, Courtesy of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The Great Isaiah Scroll, Chapter 9 (1QIsaa), Qumran Cave 1, 1st century BCE, Parchment H: 22-25. Read more.Ī Child is Born to Us Whose Name is “Mighty God” We will explore this controversial for some prophecy in the context of the story of the besiege of Jerusalem in the reign of King Chizkiyahu, a story that poses a challenge for the careful reader. Such a righteous king in the history of Israel was Chizkiyahu, the anointed one of YHVH, whom He called Sar Shalom, “Prince of Peace”.

Time of Reckoning Ministry (TORM) 30 April 2023: It is unthinkable that because the Lord so much loves His people Israel that He should not give them a righteous king from the Davidic dynasty and deliver them from the cruel hands of their oppressors. TORM featured articles: A Child was Born to Us Whose Name was “Sar Shalom” Come now and let us reason together, says YEHOVAH. The days of this wicked world are numbered and the writing on the wall concerning The War of Gog of Magog is for everyone to see. This is year 5988 since the creation, according to the reckoning of time of this ministry.