She went to the window Se acercó a la ventana To take a little peek, A echar un vistacito, To see if there was anyone Para ver si había alguien Outside in the street. So Lingo rose from her bed Así que Lingita se levantó de su And had some warm milk to drink. But no matter how she tried, Pero no importa cuánto lo intentara, Li’l Lingo couldn’t sleep. How she tossed! How she turned! ¡Como se removía! ¡Como se giraba! Li’l Lingo wiggled her little feet. Lingo almost reached 100! Lingita casi alcanzó las 100! Yet, still, she couldn’t sleep. She closed her eyes and counted Cerró los ojos y contó Each little fluffy sheep.

Se acostó en la cama Se metio entre sus acogedoras sábanas.

She lay on her bed Beneath her cozy sheets. Li’l Lingo felt sleepy, Lingita se sentía adormilada But she just couldn’t sleep. Join her on her search to find her sleep! ii LI’L LINGO SLEEPS -LINGITA DUERME- BY JORI AGUILAR SAMS Grab a seat and come discover Why you’ll love Lingo from cover to cover. Books in the Li’l Lingo Series: Li’l Lingo and the Stream Li’l Lingo Meets the King Li’l Lingo Can’t Rhyme Tuba Li’l Lingo Sleeps i All rights reserved including the right to sell, rent and borrow. It is not permitted to reproduce all or part of this book in any format including written, scanned, photocopy, electronic form without written per- mission from the owner of Copyright. ISBN 0985536748 ISBN 978-0-985 Story and Illustrations: Jori Aguilar Sams Translations: Jori Aguilar Sams and Carlos Pedrejón Garcia All Rights Reserved. Writeious Kidz - A division of Writeious Books.